


Hey there, friend.

We're glad you're here, and we want to make sure you know what's up. This disclaimer is our way of being transparent and honest with you, our amazing reader.


We're not experts, and our content shouldn't be taken as professional advice. We're just a team of young people sharing our thoughts and experiences. If you need professional help, please seek it from a qualified expert.


Our blog posts are based on our own research and opinions. We try our best to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we're not perfect. If you spot a mistake, let us know!


We love hearing from you, but we reserve the right to moderate comments. Be respectful, kind, and constructive, and we'll get along just fine.


We respect your privacy, and we won't share your personal information with anyone. Period.

Affiliate links.

Sometimes we use affiliate links to support our blog. This means we might earn a small commission if you buy something through our link.


Our content is ours, and we'd appreciate it if you didn't steal it.


We might update this disclaimer from time to time, so check back here to stay in the loop.

That's it! We're glad we could be upfront with you. If you have any questions, just ask.


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